Sunday, January 24, 2010

Side Tracked... Again.

I mentioned in one of my previous post that I have started doing the shawl of amah. However, since my globe cell purse got broken and is a little too old already (must be the yarn, it's not really that good) I decided to make me one purse again, but this time using the Cannon size 8 thread.

I love its color because it's almost the same as my phone and the way it actually fits the phone. And since the cell purse I have made for Angie isn't really that polished, I am thinking of redoing one and using a thread instead of a yarn. After all, I have a purple thread. Only problem is, it would have to wait a little more while again since I promised to make a yellow one for shobe too.

Another thing that I've made is PM's red hat. We're attending angkong's birthday celebration tomorrow so I have decided to make her a red hat to match her red dress... =)

Check it out!

my globe cell purse

and now on PM's hat....

starting the hat...

almost done...

a closer look at it


Pretty isn't it? *wink
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